Instructions below table.

Using the List

For ease of filtering and sorting, we use Airtable from 2025. You can filter and sort by any question answer, so you can narrow down the type of professional you want to see. Use the tools at the top of the window below!

Example: To search for Women only, Filter - Add condition - Where “Gender” is ‘select option’ Woman/Female.

You can also use logic modifiers like ‘is’ ‘is not’. The example above only finds those who selected Woman/Female, though if you changed it to “Where Gender is not Man/Male” you will also have those who are Nonbinary, Prefer not to say, etc.

Add more conditions to narrow down a search, like “Where Gender is Man/Male” andWhere Area is South East”.

Once you have narrowed your list, open up their websites, email them directly, or Google them. I try to keep the details updated, but sometimes professionals move practices, cease services, etc.